Saturday, April 27, 2013

Muscletech neurocore

Product Description
Neurocore has been formulated with key ingredients to deliver a superior training experience unlike anything available on the market today. Guaranteed. Compare us to the competition right now.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
I was skeptical to try this pre-workout supplement not only because it is a new product but because it is very inexpensive.
So let's jump into the review:
PRO'S: Intense energy! Better than Jack3D, Assault, and N.O. Explode! This product gives me an intense focus and makes me lift heavy and strong in the gym! Also this supplement is excellent when it comes to cardio! I just ran 4 miles last week and I still had energy to spare.

Another pro is the nutrition label. Muscletech discloses everything that is in this product so you know that you aren't consuming artificial sweeteners or anything that will hurt your body. USP Labs was just sued for their product (Jack3D) because of the ingredient 1-3 dimethylamylamine, which has been shown to contribute to heart attacks and makes you very tired after a workout. They were sued because two soldiers died of heart attacks while taking Jack3D and officials speculated that 1-3 dimethylamylamine contribued to the death of these soldiers. It's important as a consumer to know what you are putting in your body. Fortunately Neurocore doesn't contain 1-3 dimethylamylamine, so you know this supplement will be healthier for your body.

The taste of Neurocore is HORRIBLE. This stuff tastes like a cough drop laced with bleach!
However, I don't know any athlete who takes a supplement for the taste! I tried Muscle Pharm's Assault and that tastes AMAZING, but it didn't give me a pump. I felt like I was spending $40 dollars on cool-aid!
I gave Neurocore a 4/5 because this supplement works better than other products that I have tried, it's just that the taste is horrible which is a deterrent.

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